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From Mrs. Hebert

Teacher Messages

Updated: Mar 27, 2020


I just want to say how much I have missed seeing all of you. I have a story that I want to share with all of you. But, before you click the play button, go and grab a piece of paper and something to draw with. While I read, I want you to VISUALIZE what is happening in the story. Remember, when you visualize, you create a picture in your mind. What are you "seeing" in your mind while I read? Draw it. After the story, I would love to see your pictures. Send them to me at

There is a penguin in this story. How fun would it be to do some research about penguins? Where do they live? How many different types of penguins are there? What do they eat (besides anchovies)? In the story, you are going to hear the name Ferdinand Magellan. Who was he and what was he famous for? You will also be introduced to Captain Cook. Research him too. Who was Captain Cook? I'd love for you to share this information with me. Email it!

For now, enjoy the story. I hope to see you soon.


Mrs. Hebert

What a great picture! Thank you for sharing Olivia (Room 301).

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olivia194 games
olivia194 games
Mar 27, 2020

Good evening Mrs. Hebert!

I listed to your book you read to us and I drew a picture for you to see. My mom helped me send it to you and I hope you received it!

Mrs. Ward's student,

Olivia A. Morales

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