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From Ms. James

Teacher Messages

Hi Friends! 

I miss all of you! Even though we are stuck inside, I hope you are using this time to spend time with your families. I know a lot of you have younger siblings (brothers and sisters) and I'm sure they are loving that you're home! Spend time with your parents, older and/or younger siblings, pets, grandparents, and anyone you have at home! I work with fourth grade and third grade and we have put together some awesome resources for you to use. Some extra ideas may be to read a book to your pet, sibling, or anyone you have at home. Show off your math facts! Make your dinner into fractions and talk to your family about how many pieces out of the whole that you've eaten so far! Remember, math is everywhere, and so is reading! Also, make sure you are writing. Write your friends letters or start a journal of what you are doing at home every day. There are so many ways to keep learning and I know all of you are doing a great job! 

My email is:

Ms. Bromery's class - 

Hi all of you wonderful third graders! I really miss you all so much. Ms. Bromery has created a "Class Dojo" account which we started using a couple weeks before we left school. I am seeing every day that more and more of your parents are joining. This is awesome! You can leave Ms. Bromery, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Aucone, and myself a message on this app and we will get back to you! Keep checking in on the resources that the third grade teachers have put together and email me if you have any questions! 

Ms. Mamos' class -

Hi friends! I miss starting my days with you boys and girls every morning! Ms. Mamos has created a seesaw account and has mailed you the code to join our class. She has also texted parents. If you did not get the code, please email Ms. Mamos or myself so we can add you. There are about 10 of you that have joined so far and I truly love seeing all the work and sweet messages you've uploaded. Call your friends and tell them to sign up! This is a great way to keep connected and show all of the hard work you are completing while we are away from school. There are so many fun activities we can assign and we would love the entire class to be involved. As always, if any of you have questions please ask me. I am just an email away :) 

Ms. Ward's class - 

Hi everyone! I hope you are all staying safe and I miss you all! There are so many resources on the Drewicz home page for you to work on. Just because we are not in a school building, does not mean learning stops! We learn something new every day. Maybe you could start a journal! Write down something new you learn every day. This may be from a book, a tv show, or from talking with someone in your family. Just an idea. Keep reading and keep learning! 


Ms. James

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